Howdy folks. If you came to the Rockport Fulton Book Festival a few weeks ago (April 27-28, 2024) thanks so much for stopping by. If you missed it, we had a blast and there's always next year. I seriously had an amazing time meeting new readers and talking about books. Here I am at the table with my whole crew. Having my family there to help me out and support me in my author career, well that was just wonderful. Here's a fun fact, April 27th is the Anniversary of my very first book. Jess Sayin' was published on April 27, 2020. Four years and six books later, here I am and I definitely couldn't have done it without the help and support of my family. They do everything from beta reading to recipe testing to hauling boxes of books! So thank you to my awesome family. Thank you for being there for me.
The Texas Authors Institute of History made a You Tube video of me! Check it out Here.
Mystery Panel! I got to be on a Mystery Writer's Panel with fellow cozy mystery author Cindy Vincent. She and I had so much fun talking about our books and about mysteries. She has several series including the Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Capers and Tracy Truworth Apprentice P.I. - 1940s Homefront Mysteries. Both series look great and I can't wait to dive in. You can find her books on Amazon here. By the way, Cindy brought a Maltese Falcon with her. It's on the table in front of her.
Yes, I needed 2 water bottles
The panel was moderated by book reviewer and bookstagram star Elizabeth from Wordsmith on Water! She had lots of great questions including the importance of cats and other animals in our mystery stories. In my Grace Texas books, the orange cat Sweet Tea gets involved in the mysteires, sometimes finding evidence and sometimes rescuing Jess from danger. In the Green Witch Village series, my main character has a pet toad who gets into shenanigans, sometimes spilling important potions and sometimes annoying the cat of the house, Smoke. Most of the time she hangs out in her oversize water bowl, offering her advice and opinions. It always comes out as, "ribbit."
There was so much to see and do at the festival. We were across from the Strong Tower Academy Bake Sale which had lots of goodies as well as popcorn and drinks. There were so many authors there with all kinds of books, including romance, poetry, art, military history, and memoirs. There were panel discussions throughout, a kids area with lots of activities for the little ones, and vendors with so many fun bookish gifts! Checkout the Festival Facebook Page for more pictures.
If you missed the festival, you can still pick up my books in Rockport at The Splendid Sun Books & Gifts or in Corpus Christi at Black Cat Books. Of course, they're also available on Amazon here. Y'all take care and Happy Reading!